1. registration fee
1. registration fee
Japan (International) Track
Japan (International) Track
Taiwan Track
Taiwan Track
- For each paper, at least one registration is necessary. If you submit many papers, you will have discount as above.
- If you choose the Member program, we will register you as the SEAT member from July 2019 to June 2020 automatically. (i.e., the membership fee is included)
- Each registration includes one ticket for July 30 banquet dinner, if other authors want to join the banquet, the extra fee is $1500 NT or $50 US dollars.
- If you submit papers for both International and Taiwan tracks, we waive your registration fee of two Taiwan papers for one registered International paper. For example, if you have two papers in the international track and two in Taiwan Track, you can only pay $20,000 NT for the member program.
- For Japan SEA/JASPIC members, please visit for registration information.
2. Pay
2. Pay
Please go to your bank to pay your registration fee by Telegraphic Transfer (T.T.) according to the following data. Please understand that you should take care of your bank’s service charge.
- Bank Name: DBS Bank (Taiwan) Ltd
- Bank Address: 13F., No.399, Ruiguang Rd., Taipei City 114, Taiwan, R.O.C.
- Account No: 014008003229
Please put your paper ID in the remarks for bank money transfer.
For Taiwanese
For Taiwanese
- 銀行名稱: 810 星展銀行,分行名稱: 0364 南京東路分行
- 戶名: 社團法人台灣軟體工程學會
- 銀行帳號: 007-004-308635
3. Registration & Participation Form
3. Registration & Participation Form
For each payment, please fill in the Registration form
For each participant, please fill in the Participation form