Taiwan Track
國立中央大學, 台灣
July 27, 2019
- 7/27 於國立中央大學舉辦一天的 Taiwan Track,參與者可以中文撰寫與發表;除了論文發表以外,亦會邀請精彩的演講及工作坊。
- 7/29-30 在日本千葉工業大學與日本軟體工程協會一起舉辦聯合研討會,會議將以國際會議的英文論文發表規格與模式來進行。
7/27 詳細議程 (UPDATE:7/22)

英業達人工智慧中心首席科學家 陳佩君 (Trista Chen)
TITLE:From CI/CD for Machine Learning to Schrödinger’s Cat
陳佩君 首席科學家
Trista is a tech executive, entrepreneur, and artificial intelligence (AI) scientist. She is currently the Chief Scientist of Machine Learning at Inventec Corp., a world leading computer and consumer-electronics manufacturer. She is in charge of Inventec’s AI/Industry 4.0 efforts as well as its future AI opportunities. Previously, Trista held leadership positions at startups and research labs. While leading core algorithms and data science at Cognitive Networks, which was later acquired by Vizio, she lifted the company's customer counts by more than 10x. At Intel, she conducted research on computer vision algorithm and hardware co-design and was part of the OpenCV development team. At Nvidia, she architected Nvidia's first video processor. Trista received her Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University. She co-authored 26 publications, 14 issued and pending patents, gave keynotes and invited lectures at conferences and universities, and frequently received media interviews.
會場位置 (大會提供桃園高鐵站早場接駁,請詳下圖訊息)
320桃園市中壢區中大路300號 國立中央大學工程五館
- 搭乘高鐵
- 大會提供早場高鐵站免費接駁,發車時間為上午9:00 AM,發車地點為5號出口。高鐵站現場將會有人員進行指引。
- 往北的來賓,請搭乘高鐵 0606 班次列車,8:36AM 到達桃園站。
- 往南的來賓,請搭乘高鐵 0613 班次列車,8:41AM 到達桃園站。
- 於高鐵桃園站下車,出站後於公車站8號月台搭乘132、172市區公車直達中央大學(約每小時1班,車程15~20分鐘),或搭乘往中壢方向公車(至市區公車總站轉搭往本校公車)、計程車或自行開車抵達本校。
- 自行開車(國道路線)
- 國道1號(中山高速公路):
- 中壢交流道(62公里)出口,往新屋方向行駛,沿民族路至三民路右轉,中正路左轉,中大路左轉即可抵達本校前門。車程約5~10分鐘。
- 國道3號(福爾摩沙高速公路):
- 大溪交流道(62公里)出口,往中壢方向行駛,轉台66線快速公路(往中壢、觀音方向),接國道1號(北上),於62公里中壢交流道出口,往新屋方向行駛,沿民族路至三民路右轉,中正路左轉,中大路左轉即可抵達本校前門。車程約20分鐘。
- 搭乘火車
- 於台鐵中壢站下車,前站出站後轉乘市區公車132 或計程車(車程20~30分鐘)抵達本校。
Taiwan Track 聯絡
- (03) 4227151 ext 35245 廖蕙妙, ncuoolabaa@gmail.com